Friends of Big Creek
Resources for Investigating the Effects of Greenways on Residential Property Values and Local Economies

Selected sources that investigate and illustrate the economic impact of riparian corridors. Issues include: residential property values and proximity to greenways; offset returns of removing property from tax rolls; tourism and generation of economic activity for community businesses; attracting residents and businesses to the comunity. Includes journal articles, research reports and Web documents.

Please note: Journal articles without links may be accessed from EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier database. Use your Ohio public library card to access via OPLIN.

Economic Impacts of Protecting Rivers, Trails and Greenway Corridors.
Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance, National Park Service. 4th Ed., rev. 1995.

Nicholls, Sarah, Ph.D. "Measuring the Impact of Parks on Property Values."
Parks & Recreation
39:3 (March, 2004) P. 24-36.

Crompton, John L. The Proximate Principle: The Impact of Parks, Open Space and Water Features on Residential Property Values and the Property Tax Base.
2nd ed. National Recreation and Park Association, c2004.

Crompton, John L. "The Impact of Parks on Property Values."
Parks & Recreation
36:5 (May, 2001) p. 90.

Crompton, John L "The Impact of Parks on Property Values: A Review of the Empirical Evidence."
Journal of Leisure Research 33:1 (January 1, 2001).

Lutzenhiser, Margot and Netusil, Noelwah R. "The Effect of Open Spaces On a Home's Sale Price."
Contemporary Economic Policy 19:3 (July 1, 2001) p. 291.

Correll, M. R., J. H. Lillydahl, and L. D. Singell.. "The Effects of Greenbelts on Residential Property Values: Some Findings on the Political Economy of Open Space."
Land Economics 54:2, (May, 1978) p. 207-217.

Economic Impacts of Protecting Rivers, Trails and Greenway Corridors. Economics Research Associates. Final Report.
Illinois Association of Park Districts. March 25, 2005.

Green Infrastructure.
Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission. 03/24/2005.

Walker, Chris. The Public Value of Urban Parks.
The Urban Institute. June 21, 2004.

Open Space Projects, Endless Benefits: Facts and Thoughts in Support of Open Space Projects in Ohio
Ohio Greenways. The Ohio Parks and Recreation Association. 2004.
See also: Benefits of Parks and Recreation.
Ohio Parks and Recreation Association.

Fischenich, J. Craig. "Technologies for urban stream restoration and watershed management." Ecosystem Management and Restoration (EMRRP Bulletin No. 01-1), May 2001. p. 4-5.